I Wish That I Was Damon Wayans So That My Name Spelled Backwards Was Nomad, But Sadly, I'm Cram


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1-8-03 Top 14 Best Vintage Star Wars Figures

There's too many of them!


Speaking as an avid Star Wars collector with over 3,000 dollars worth of memorabilia, it was pretty tough to put together this list. There's just so many of them. Well, I did it and here it is:


14.) Admiral Ackbar
Now you're probably all wondering why I picked Admiral Ackbar...Yea yea yea I know that his figure isn't worthy of being in the top 14 list but this figure has what alot of figures don't have. Ackbar has heart. Now, you're probably asking yourself "He has heart???? WTF is this guy talking about????" If you are, listen to this... The most important thing to note is that Ackbar is the greatest thing ever if you're watching the movie with someone who's never actually seen it before. Now, there's a ton of weird aliens in Star Wars, but nothing can prepare someone for the debut of Admiral Ackbar. Every time I devirginize someone to Return of the Jedi, they nearly fall out of their seat when this bumbling squid waltzes in front of the Rebel fleet and starts talking like a guy who should be doing drug counseling. Admiral Ackbar might be near the top of the food chain of the Rebel Alliance - but he's still a squid. What's even better is that he's a squid in a sailor outfit. The mere fact that the Rebels answered to this guy as a powerful leader is beauty in itself. That, my friends is why Admiral Ackbar is #14... (applause) Besides, he comes with a little plastic stick...


13.) Leia (in Boushh Disguise)

This was a great figure on a lot of levels. First, you'd be getting a Princess Leia out of the deal. Now all your other toys had something worth fighting over. But when you put on the mask, you had one of the coolest looking action figures of all time! Boushh also came with a staff that was about 50% taller than the figure. Meaning Leia was also the only Star Wars figure with pole-vaulting capabilities. And, as if you needed more reason to buy it, Boushh's helmet was extremely, extremely fun to chew on when you were a child. They really should've marketed plastic with strawberry flavoring. If I personally was able to dig up the amount of plastic that I've either chewed or accidentally ingested in my life, I'd be able to make an extremely scary statue of that guy who played Frank on Murphy Brown.


12.) Gamorrean Guard
Now, you're probably asking yourself: 'Huh? That figure sucks! Why would he pick that one?!' You've gotta dig a little deeper. This fat pig alien guy was really handy to have around. If your friend told you that you weren't allowed to play with his brother's new Nintendo? Just hold up the Gamorrean Guard figure and say 'Oh yeah? Well you look like this guy!' Dad wants you to take out the garbage? 'Here Dad, they made you an action figure!' The possibilities were endless. And while the Gamorrean Guard lacked the...class...of most of the other figures, he had one thing going for him -- he was pretty easy to stand up. So while all your other figures were toppling over themselves at the slightest hint of movement, your fat, stupid Gamorrean Guard would just sit there, smiling, waiting for the day where you found matches for the first time and elected him the candidate for fire experiments.


11.) R5-D4
Know what the good thing about owning an R5 figure was? Nobody knew who the hell he was. Your friends would pull out their R2-D2 figures, and you'd show up with this mysterious, dangerous Droid figure. Everyone would look at you with newfound respect. Soon, you were the most popular kid in school. Later in life, you'd be the president of a huge banking firm because the previous owner decided to trade places with you so he could be the only one who had the R5 figure. Seriously, that's how it worked.


10.) Emperor's Royal Guard
Some of my personal, all-time favorite characters in the movies, these guys were mysterious. They didn't say anything and only carried a big stick...but you knew that you were in some serious shit if you tried screwing with them. The figures came dressed in cloth - always a plus. They also had some of the coolest helmets I've ever seen. It's the only helmet in the world that could look so deadly while being so dome-shaped.


9.) Darth Vader
Ha, like I'd leave him out. There's no reason to explain why Vader was a great figure.While he was one evil bastard, his action figure was more fun than jellybeans after you suck the hard shell off 'em and are left with edible silicone. Really. He had a removable lightsaber. Removable in the sense that if you did remove it, you'd lose it four seconds later and never get it back, thus rendering your Vader 'stupid looking', holding a handle that did absolutely nothing.


8.) R2-D2
I can't possibly make this list without including ol' R2. For whatever reason, whenever we were going to a relative's house, this was the figure I took along for the ride. There was something so simplisticly wonderful about him. Since I can't think of anything else to write, take a look at the price tag on him.. BELSCOT TOYS!!! hahahahahahahaha... eh you're right, that's not funny, not funny at all...


7.) Yoda
The little guy. The Jedi master. The action figure! I absolutely adored Yoda. I used to fast-forward past his death scene in Return of the Jedi, because it was just too damn painful. Now that I'm older and more mature, I watch it all the time just to see Luke make his crosseyed face when Yoda dissapears. But we're getting off track - this figure packed more accessories into an inch that you could imagine: removable coat, walking stick, and snake necklace!


6.) 2-1B
I don't know why but 2-1B has always made me thirsty. Just look at him, my mouth is getting dry just typing this. I might have been his blue color, or maybe it was because his chest piece reminded me of an ice cube. It also could have been that scene in The Empire Strikes Back where he's standing next to that bacta tank where Luke was in it wearing nothing but a diaper. I like things that make me thirsty, especially medical droids.


5.) C-3P0

And why not? My favorite Droid and one of the most well-known robots around, you absolutely needed as many C-3P0s as you could get your hands on. Mainly because all the other ones you had were missing an arm or both legs by the end of a few days. C-3P0 was gold in color, shiny enough consider more 'valuable' than the rest of your toys. Later additions also came with a net so you could take him apart and let Chewbacca carry him around like the slave-laborer he was.


4.) Luke Skywalker (Bespin Fatigues)
As much as I love Jedi Luke, his Bespin version will always be my favorite Luke. I'm not sure why, I just like the outfit. I wonder who his tailor is. Har har har...You'd get it if you saw Mark Hamill's infamous appearance on The Muppet Show... I still think Kenner or Hasbro should make a new Jedi Luke figure with that creased-gray-triangular-collar-thingy thats sitting there on his shirt at the end of Return of the Jedi. That would be swank.


3.) "Blue" Snaggletooth
Not only was Snaggletooth not in any of the movies but this figure wasn't even what the character looked like! You see, Snaggletooth appeared in (the even more infamous than Hamill's Muppet Show episode) The Star Wars Holiday Special, which aired on NBC in November of 1978. Kenner only had a vague photo when they designed this figure, so they screwed up big-time. This extremely rare "Blue" Snaggletooth was never sold on card becuse it was discontinued after the error was found. He was only available in The Cantina Adventure Playset with three other figures which are fairly easy to find because they were "acurate". Snaggletooth was redesigned to look like this:


This shorter, more acurate, "Red" Snaggletooth is much more common than it's predecessor. It's price value ranges from 10-20 dollars while ol' bluey usually sells at a whopping 300-500 dollars. I luckily got mine for around 85 at a local comics/collectibles store.


2.) Han Solo in Hoth Gear
Ah, Hoth Han... I'm not sure why, but I've always thought that this figure was awesome. Hoth Han is very detailed compared to some other figures from the Empire Strikes Back line. Strangely enough, he's my favorite vintage Solo, with Bespin Han being second. Even though you couldn't really play with him unless the location was Hoth he's still my second favorite figure.


1.) Boba Fett

Obviously! Deemed the 'man' by Star Wars fans, punk rock kids, and grandmothers everywhere, no top Star Wars list would be complete without the known universe's most cunning, ruthless bounty hunter. Boba Fett is the only guy in the Star Wars universe who could get away with questioning Darth Vader. Why? Cuz he's that cool. Even Vader wears bootlegged t-shirts with Fett iron-ons on 'em.