I Wish That I Was Damon Wayans So That My Name Spelled Backwards Was Nomad, But Sadly, I'm Cram
12-21-03 I Don't Know Why You Say... Hello. I Say Goodbye
6-31-03 The Six Degrees Of George Lucas Challenge! Second Edition
6-30-03 The Six Degrees Of George Lucas Challenge!
6-24-03 My 2nd Birthday Reviewed!
6-21-03 A Nightmare on Elm Street Review Part 2
6-21-03 A Nightmare on Elm Street Review Part 1
6-21-03 Sgt. Slaughter Joins The Ranks Of G.I. Joe!!!
6-20-03 The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sewer Playset
6-18-03 Celebrities Wearing Helmets Gallery
6-15-03 Star Wars Figures You Never Knew Existed!
6-14-03 Infomercial Hell
6-8-03 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Wacky Action Figures
5-25-03 Star Wars Meets Sesame Street
5-25-03 Pepsi Dance
5-25-03 Zucchini... What's It Good For?
5-23-03 Star Wars Takes On SMOKING - plus more old commercials!
5-23-03 Golden Girls Take A Trip Down Memory Lane...
5-17-03 The Star Wars Holiday Special w/ Downloads!
5-15-03- A Wise Man's Quotes
5-11-03 Ice Cream Baby Provides Us All With Endless Nightmares
5-10-03 Little Known Facts About The Star Wars Trilogy
5-5-03 Random Ramblings Part 1
4-28-03 The Top 26 Coolest Movie Characters
4-24-03 A Buncha Otha Movies I Lika
4-18-03 Get to Know Lizzie McGuire
4-15-03 Good Times with the World Wrestling Federation
4-13-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 10-1
4-12-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 20-11
4-10-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 30-21
4-8-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 40-31
4-7-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 50-41
4-6-03 My Top 60 Favorite Movies 60-51
4-1-03 A New Start for Airborneturtle
3-31-03 He-Man in the Secret of the Sword Special Part 2
3-31-03 He-Man in the Secret of the Sword Special Part 1
3-30-03 A Review of Child's Play 2 ... Hey, That Rhymes
3-30-03 Cha Chet
3-28-03 Dino-Riders: The First Episode
3-27-03 My New and Improved Profile Thingy
3-24-03 Come Forward My Young Ninja Accountant
3-23-03 The Trix Conspiracy
3-22-03 Things That Annoy Me Part Deux
3-19-03 Revised Top 25 Scariest Movies
3-11-03 Hey Google, I Love You...
3-1-03 Memories, Or Something Like It...
2-11-03 Reality Shows, When Will They Die?
2-6-03 Things That Annoy Me
2-6-03 My Top 30 Favorite Episodes of Cheers
2-5-03 Second Half of Leprechaun IV - Leprechaun In Space
2-5-03 Review of Leprechaun IV - Leprechaun In Space
2-4-03 Power Rangers Episode: No Clowning Around
1-30-03 Is This The End Of Life Itself, Or Will It Just Make Our Lives A Living Hell
1-28-03 Review of The Killer Shrews
1-26-03 Within the Woods: The Evil Dead Prequel
1-26-03 The Story of Ricky Review
1-25-03 Up From The Depths Review
1-25-03 Chris Butterfield: Fact or Fiction?
1-23-03 Star Wars On The Muppet Show
1-22-03 Power Rangers: Alpha's Magical Christmas!
1-21-03 AIM "Shortcuts"... What do they really mean?
1-20-03 Scary Polish Ewok Bootlegs and More!
1-19-03 Thirteen Things That'll Make You Say WTF?!?
1-19-03 Star Wars: The Cereal
1-15-03 Deleted Scenes From The Star Wars Trilogy !
1-15-03 The Top Ten Greatest TV Shows Eva! Part 2
1-14-03 The Top Ten Greatest TV Shows Eva! Part 1
1-13-03 Thundercats Episode Review: All That Glitters
1-9-03 Star Wars Meets Burger Chef
1-8-03 Top 14 Best Vintage Star Wars Figures
1-7-03 The Smurfs Christmas Special
12-31-02 Top 10 Scariest Movies
12-20-02- Mac and Me Review
12-19-02 About the Makers
12-19-02- A Review of Planet of the Dinosaurs

Welcome to Airborneturtle!!!

The Internet's # 1 Source of Nothing!


This is Airborneturtle... but you most likely know that already because I have it posted all over the place...
On this site I (See the About section) will throttle your esophogus...well maybe not but I will review movies and t.v. shows. I will make lists. I will italicize alot...see I'm even doing it now!!! Too much for ya? hmm? Is it? I thought so......
I will update Airborneturtle at least once a week with an article which will be listed on the left-hand column of this site....Pretty weird huh? hmm? Is it? I thought so......

This is Airborneturtle's newest feature, the UPDATES section. This will keep my people satisfied if I haven't written an article in awhile. I will update this section every day unless I absolutely cannot. An example is if I'm stuck under a derailed train in the boon-docks of Montana. In this section I will mostly blather on about what's going on and things that I will review in the future and stuff like that and yada yada yada...hmmmmm...

12-21-03- Site Closed baby.
12-19-03- It's my sweet 16!! Eh, who gives a shit :)
11-29-03- Christ, I'm looking at some of these articles such as my favorite movies and scareist movies, and they aren't anything like they are now. The times they are a-changin'. later...
11-28-03- Wow, it's been a long time since I've worked on this site, I might put up a new article soon! later...
6-31-03- Another new one up. It's another set of people connected to George Lucas. Also, due to some technical difficulties, Airborneturtle may not be updated for a while. later...
6-30-03- New article up! later...
6-29-03- Nothing today either. later...
6-27-03- Nothing today either. later...
6-25-03- I fixed the birthday article. later...
6-24-03- New article up! It's a review of my 2nd birthday. later...
6-23-03- Nothing today. later...
6-21-03- Well it's 1:15 in the morning so it's officially the 21st. I'm wide awake and I am extremely bored so I posted a new article. later...
6-20-03- New article up despite my previous remarks. later...
6-20-03- Nothing today either. I need to find more pictures for that gallery of celebs wearing helmets.
Movies I watched Today: Terminator 2: Judgement Day. later...
6-19-03- Nothing today.
Movies I watched Today: The Terminator, The Lost World: Jurassic Park. later...
6-18-03- Schooooooool's out for the summer!!! Yipeekyay!!! New article up.
Movies I watched Today: An American Werewolf in London. later...
6-15-03- Well I posted a new article last night, and I'll probably post one today.
Movies I watched Today: An American Werewolf in London. later...
6-14-03- Maybe an article alter today.
Movies I watched Today: Misery, Animal House. later...
6-13-03- Happy Friday the 13th! Today is the ultimate Friday the 13th because Jason was born on June 13th. Maybe an article later tonight.
Movies I watched Today: High Noon, Friday the 13th, The Even Stevens Movie. later...
6-11-03- Nothing today. I have finals tomorrow so I hafta spend a lot of time NOT studying. Eh, maybe I'll post something...
Movies I watched Today: None. later...
6-10-03- Nothing today. I'm way too lazy...
Movies I watched Today: Sleepaway Camp, Fast Times At Ridgemont High. later...
6-9-03- Nothing today.
Movies I watched Today: None. later...
6-8-03- New article up! Sorry about the delay.
Movies I watched Today: Gargoyles: The Movie, Candyman.
6-7-03- Sorry I'm not posting a lot but I'm been really busy. I promise one by this tomorrow. :)
Movies I watched Today: Toy Story, Jurassic Park, Space Jam.
6-6-03- Sorry I'm not posting a lot but I'm been really busy. I promise one by this weekend. :)
Movies I watched Today: None. later...
6-5-03- Sorry I'm not posting a lot but I'm been really busy. I promise one by this weekend. :)
Movies I watched Today: None. later...
6-4-03- Sorry I'm not posting a lot but I'm been really busy. I promise one by this weekend. :)
Movies I watched Today: None. later...
6-3-03- Nothing today either.
Movies I watched Today: Fast Times At Ridgemont High. later...
6-2-03- Nothing today either.
Movies I watched Today: Fast Times At Ridgemont High. later...
6-2-03- Nothing today.
Movies I watched Today: Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Friday the 13th. later...
6-1-03- Well today's June 1st, and to celebrate it, I'm going to do absolutly nothing!
Movies I watched Today: The Lion King, Fast Times At Ridgemont High
5-30-03- Maybe something later tonight. later...
5-27-03- Nothing today. later...
5-26-03- I accidently posted the SW/SS article twice so I replaced one with something new. later...
5-25-03- More Doublemint Gum. later...
5-25-03- New article up. It's a short one I just put together in like ten minutes. later...
5-24-03- Nothing today, I got way too much stuff to do. later...
5-23-03- Two articles up! Double the pleasure, double the fun! later...
5-22-03- Nothing today. later...
5-21-03- Maybe I'll post an article later today but guess what; today is the birthday of Mr.T (of Wrestlemania, Rocky 3, and A-Team fame), Judge Reinhold (of Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Gremlins fame), and Ashlie Brillault (of Lizzie McGuire fame). Tell me this isn't the ultimate day of celebrity birthdays. later...
5-20-03- Well, today is Cheers Day but it's not a very happy one. I was unable to get the DVD, a teacher at my shcool passed away, and my dad's company was downsized and his position was eliminated, so he is currently jobless. later...
5-19-03- Nothing today, but tomorrow is Cheers Day in Massachusetts and the complete first season is finally going to be available on DVD!!! later...
5-18-03- Nothing today. Hidey Ho. later...
5-17-03- New article up! It's one that I've wanted to post for a while so there you go. later...
5-16-03- I put my hair up in pigtails today and went downtown, so I didn't have enough time to post anything, so expect something tomorrow. later...
5-15-03- New article up. later...
5-14-03- Nothing today. You're seeing somewhat of a pattern here, right? Good. later...
5-13-03- Nothing today. later...
5-12-03- Nothing today. later...
5-11-03- It's 1:22 AM so it's officially the eleventh of May. New article up. later...
5-10-03- New article posted. Enjoy! later...
5-9-03- I'm sick today and I don't feel like posting anything, so there! hardy har har har. later...
5-8-03- The Lizzie McGuire Movie is currently the number 1 comedy in America, number 2 in the box office! It looks like we'll be seeing that ABC spin-off! later...
5-7-03- Nothing today either. later...
5-6-03- Nothing today, and this time I really mean it. How sweet. Get it? No? Okay. later...
5-5-03- Well part of that huge thing that I wrote is posted, more will definitly be added. later...
5-4-03- Nothing Today. But I am in the process of something huge so stay tuned. later...
5-3-03- I saw The Lizzie McGuire last night with my good friend Connor and it was fuuckingradboskinaering awesome. I promise a review as soon as it comes out on video. later...
5-1-03- Nothing today, but tomorrow THE LIZZIE MCGUIRE MOVIE MATINEE!!!!! later...
4-30-03- I fixed the character article. peace..
4-29-03- Nothing today, I'll fix that character list tonight if I have time. later...
4-28-03- New article up. later... Wait, When I was typing "later" I accidently put the "A" before the "L" so it said "alter". Isn't that nuts? later and/or alter...
4-27-03- Nothing today, I'm too busy. later...
4-26-03- Eh, maybe something later today. later...
4-25-03- Nothing today but I bought a few movies today so I'll tell you which ones I got. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (I've been waiting for MY Suncoast to get it in stock), House (great movie), Tarzan of the Apes (the original 1917 silent version, hey c'mon it was only 49 cents), Christmas Evil (a christams classic... NOT), and Silent Night Bloody Night (never seen it but it was on a double DVD with Christmas Evil andd it looks likea horrible movie, so I had to buy it). later...
4-24-03- New article up. Not much but it's something. later...
4-23-03- I finally fixed that Lizzie article. later...
4-22-03- Sorry but I never got around to fixing that Lizzie article. Maybe today. Also, Check this out http://www.geocities.com/msi_mindlessselfindulgence/marc.htm
It's a little slide show made by our friends over at The Diabolical starring yours truly! later...
4-20-03- I'll fix that Lizzie article later today. Happy Easter and 420!!!  later...
4-19-03- Some of my Lizzie article got deleted so I'll restore it later, maybe not today though. I also changed the Andre Eating Honeycombs picture to one of me and this site. later...
4-18-03- Today marks the day of our 50th article! later...
4-16-03- More pictures added to the wrestling article. later...
4-15-03- New article up! later...
4-14-03- Nothing today, but in the near future you can expect an article on the good years of WWF. later...
4-13-03- The Top 10 is up. later...
4-12-03- Well, well, well, today our first contest ends with no winners. I was sent a total of thirteen e-mails with all incorrect answers. The answer was: Uncle Elmer. He was a former pro-wrestler. Anyway I was watching tv the other night and I swear that I saw Jerry Van Dyke of Coach fame, on a Big Lots commercial. How could Jerry stoop so low? I dunno, but part five will be available by tonight so stay tuned. later...
4-11-03- I'm going to finish part four today but I won't start on five till tomorrow. The contest ends tomorrow too so send in those submissions! later...
4-10-03- I might do part four tonight if I'm bored. later...
4-9-03- I'm taking a break from writing today. later...
4-8-03- The third part of my favorite movies is up. later...
4-7-03- The second part of my favorite movies is up. later...
4-6-03- Eh, I've decided to post something today anyway. It's the first part of a chain of articles concerning my favorite movies. later...
4-6-03- Nothing today but send in some submissions to my contest. later...
4-5-03- A new section of Airborneturtle is up, THE CONTESTS section. It is located below the updates. So check it out phool. later...
4-4-03- Nothing today but you can mos def expect something tomorrow. later...
4-3-03- When I was young I use' to wait
On massa an' hand him his plate
An' pass de bottle when he got dry
An' brush away de blue-tail fly

Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Ol' Massa's gone away

One day he ride aroun' de farm
De flies so num'rous they did swarm
One chanced to bite him on de thigh
De devil take de blue-tail fly!

Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Ol' Massa's gone away

De pony run, he jump he pitch
He threw my Massa in de ditch
He died an' de jury wondered why
De verdict was de blue-tail fly

Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Ol' Massa's gone away

They lay him under a simmon tree
His epitaph is there to see --
"Beneath this stone I'm forced to lie --
Victim of de blue-tail fly."

Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Jimmie crack corn an' I don't care
Ol' Massa's gone away
Nada today. later...
4-2-03- Nothing today. later...
4-1-03- New article up so check it out. later...
3-31-03- Four words, read my newest posts. Note: Read Part 1 before Part 2. later...
3-30-03- Eh, I decided to post some stuff today anyway. Plus a new section is on it's way! The contests section. later...
3-30-03- No articles today, but I am working on a list of my Top 60 Favorite Movies so don't touch that dial. later...
3-29-03- I'm not in the mood to write anything because I lost in a swamp today. later...
3-28-03- Some time in the near future I am going to add more info to my newest article, but until then I posted a new one for your reading pleasure. not peace; war...
3-27-03- I wrote a new article, not much but... you know. not peace; war...
3-26-03- No articles today. not peace; war...
3-24-03- I posted a new article so check it out. not peace; war...
3-23-03- Ya know what? I AM going to post an article today. not peace; war...
3-23-03- No articles today!!!! Har har har har har... not peace; war...
3-22-03- Sorry I didn't update yesterday but I decided to go to Korea for a day. I wrote a new article too, so read it. not peace; war...
3-20-03- I'm going to add some more stuff to my Things That Annoy Me article in the near future. not peace; war...
3-19-03- Well I published my newest article on horror movies. I hope you enjoy it. not peace; war...
3-18-03- Sorry guys but boiling children just isn't my cup of tea...peace...
3-17-03- In honor of St. Patty's Day, I'm going to change my normal green font to green!!! Oh, and by the way--- You know how some popsicle sticks have jokes on them? Well the box of pops that I bought have backwards jokes! They give the answers so that you have to eat the popsicle to find out what the question is! To make matters worse the jokes make no sense whatsoever. Here's one that I got:
Q: What is your wildest favorite song?
A: "Merrily We Roll Along"
What the Ferdinand is going on??? First of all how would they know that my Wildest Favorite song was "Merrily We Roll Along". Second of all that's not a joke, it's just a question that they guessed wrong. peace...
3-16-03- Today I watched the movie in which I called the scariest movie I've ever seen (Just Before Dawn) for the first time in about ten months and I realized that it's not as scary as I recalled. So in the next few days, I'm going to post an article including the Top 25 scariest movies that I've ever seen. peace...
3-15-03- Today I went to this little local collectibles store called Harrison's Comics and Collectibles. I bought an old issue of Fangoria, six 50 cent comics, six He-Man episodes on tape, a vintage Prune Face figure, and the Japanese Uncut X-Rated Version of Friday the 13th. So all in all, I had a pretty good day, but don't expect any articles. peace...
3-14-03- I'm not going to write any articles tonight. peace...
3-13-03- I added some new pics to my Cheers site, so check out the Pictures section. Also, on the main page I included a link to my original Cheers site. Yipee!!!!!!!!! peace...
3-12-03- I'm staying home from school today because all of the freshman girls are going on some self-defense field trip. What's the point of going to school if there's no girls. School really isn't for eduacation, it's just an excuse for us guys to see some thong slippage or something. Well I have nothing better to do but add pictures to my "Things That Annoy Me" article. peace...
3-11-03- I am so pissed off. My computer is so slow! I've tried to update over the past six days but noooooo, my computer has to take three billion hours to load and then once it does the screen says This Page Cannot Be Displayed, so finally here is an update. But it did redeem itself by... well... It didn't do anything. Read my newest article and find out why something redeemed it. peace...
3-4-03- I have a huge project to do so I can't write any articles tonight.  :( peace...
3-3-03- Check out my new sledding site http://esa2003.tripod.com/ peace...
3-2-03- You can expect that Florida review by the end of the year. Sorry but I have a ton of other stuff in mind. peace...
3-1-03- It's here, it's finally here, although it's not complete, it's here! peace...
2-28-03- It's still coming...........peace...
2-27-03- I'm going to disregard all that "chilhood is coming" shit for one update because I'd like to share with you all an e-mail which was sent to me regarding my Power Rangers episode review. Whoah I just used disregard and regard in the same sentance, el doubley for that one! Well here's the e-mail:
Yes. I noticed your review of that highly disturbing
Power Rangers deal, witht he clown what makes people
into cardboard cutouts. While that issue was covered
in a thorough and satisfactory manner, I feel you
failed to address one thing wrong with this show. So
very wrong.

In this visual aid:
we see one of the "Puttie" creatures, full of clowney
badness. Now, perhaps you were merely trying to spare
the innocence of the world, but you forgot to address
the horror that is Mr. Puttie's batch of doom. Yes,
that is the mother of all buffalow shots if ever I've
seen one. I think this should be pointed out, if only
as a warning to all those unaware of the terror lying
beneath the seemingly innocent surface of this
clown-filled, poorly concieved assault on mine and
everyone else's sanity. Mmmyep.

http://www.geocities.com/funnyjenkins ) may also
provide further educational value in regards to the
evil that are clowns.

That is all. Go home now.

2-27-03- My childhood is coming......... peace...
2-26-03- It's coming......... peace...
2-25-03- Sorry my internet was screwed up yesterday so I coudn't update. Well I don't really have much to say anyway. peace...
2-23-03- Well you can expect that Florida review by the end of the month because I have alot of other things in mind. peace...
2-22-03- I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!!! Wow, ten days without an update. I was going through updatation withdrawl. Coming soon is a review of (that's right folks) Florida. I can't believe I'm going to update a frigging state. peace...
2-12-03- This my last update for a week. Now I know your probably saying "Son of a postal carrier!" But I have an excuse. I'm going to Florida over February Vacation, harharhar. So see ya in a week. peace...
2-11-03- I added a new article on reality shows, I hope you like it. peace...
2-11-03- My internet's been screwed up for the past few days so I coudn't update Airborneturtle, sorry about that. peace...
2-6-03- Wow, two articles and  two updates today too! You people are lucking out big time. peace...
2-6-03- As you can see I wrote a new article. Check it out, it's on my top 30 favorite episodes of Cheers, as I promised you last night. peace...
2-5-03- Wow, two articles in one day, now two updates in one day! You people are lucky today... I will now promise all of you a list of my favorite Cheers episodes from Give Me a Ring Sometime to One for the Road. Speaking of Cheers, it's on in four minutes so I gotta  go. peace...
2-5-03- Finally, I posted that Power Rangers episode review! I'm sorry that you had to wait that grueling six days. I might write some more swankilicious shindig later today peace...
2-4-03- I think I might actually do something today!!!Check back later for that episode!!! peace...
2-3-03- Hey kiddies, I'm sick today so I'm not in the mood to write anything. Excuses, excuses. I know... peace...
2-2-03 - Sorry guys, I've been pretty busy lately. I've been doing all kinds of stuff including some voting on TV Tome. And I know... I know that I've been saying that I'm going to do that episode for three days, so hopefully I might have it posted by nine tonight. I don't update past nine because Cosby Show and Cheers are on Nick @ Nite. peace...
2-1-03- Hey everyone, I'm not sure if I'm going to write an article today, but keep your hopes up. Maybe later tonight you can expect that Power Rangers episode. hmmmm Oh and by the way, if you haven't checked out my Links section for a while, click on the HI-C picture for my friend Charlie's site. peace...
1-31-03- Well, as you have probably already seen, I wrote a new article last night at around 8:30. So now you can expect the Powa Rangaz episode and the Sci-Fi movie over the next couple of days. Also due to my laziness, when I show Raven's and my Scores (out of a possible ten), I will no longer include pictures of us. HAIRLINE TRUMPET! peace...
1-30-03- Hello world, this is our first update... I've been pretty busy for the past two days so I haven't really had the time to contribute to Airborneturtle, but coming soon will be three articles about the extremely strange items that I found in my closet, a Power Rangers episode and one of the worst Sci-Fi movies I've ever seen. Sooner or later I would also like to review The Star Wars Holiday Special but I'll have to wait until the right time and place like sometime when I can't think of anything else to write about. peace...

- ~ CONTESTS ~ -
Here's Airborneturtle's newest section, the Contests section! As you can see I am sporting some dangerous RED font! Every once in a while I'll post a contest and you can submit your submissions to my e-mail at airborneturtle13@hotmail.com. The day each contest ends, check the Updates section for the correct answer and a list of winners. If multiple people win, the first sender will get the prize.
4-5-03- Well well well... Here's our first contest. So here's the scoop. I want to know who this man is:

You remember him. In my older articles I used this guy's picture as mine, when obviously it isn't me. So send me those submissions and if you get it right, I'll send you a free of charge Masters of the Universe episode on tape. It is called DRAGON INVASION and it's the fourth episode from the original series.
Key characters include: Skeletor, Beast Man, Orko, King Randor, Queen Marlena, Teela, Prince Adam / He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Cringer / Battle Cat, Ram, Man, Stratos, Evil-Lyn, Panthor, Trap Jaw, Jitsu (aka Chopper), The Sorceress / Zoar
Key vehicles include: Sky Sleds, Battle Ram

Skeletor and Beast Man steal a dragon's eggs and transport them into the court-yard of the Royal Palace. With their special growth enhancer, the dragons soon hatch and grow, attacking the Palace, and leaving the Heroic Warriors distracted trying to deal with the ever-growing dragons leaving Skeletor and his cronies free tackle Castle Grayskull...

The deadline of this contest is Saturday, April 12th.

Airborneturtle Chatroom:



Check out my other site  http://marcleitner2002.tripod.com which is dedicated to the show Cheers. I've even been linked by the official Cheers website: http://www.cheersboston.com in the Cheers Fans section! 



If we're to believe that, then we're also to believe that most Satanic cults can conjure up a goat-mask wearing devil in silk robes at will. We also must believe that Satanists have pure black eyes and melt into puddles of fleshy goo when wet. So no, this is far from a forged documentary.The dual-purpose item could be used during playtime battles, but also served as a neat collector's case to help kids keep their figures in one piece. Since the toy was simply two hunks of white plastic, it had an uncharacteristically low retail price.Don't get me wrong, it's far from a classic. The plot revolves around a group of astronauts from the future who become stranded on one of Saturn's moons with a fiendish alien who eats humans. Many of you have probably heard of owl pellets - some of you may have even experimented with them in grade school. For those who haven't, here's the lowdown: consider an owl pellet the poor man's dead frog. While it's far more the norm to dissect froggies in science class, there remains a substantial number of professors who refuse to put a schoolyear itinerary together that doesn't include making students play with bird vomit. Though ripping apart a frog provides a much more lasting impression, you can't deny the overwhelming sense of joy one feels as they're weeding through the various rat skulls and bug guts an owl spit up months ago. I admit it, I think I've always been in love with Ann B. Davis. She looks a lot older, which might have something to do with her being a lot older. She still retains the Alice charm, though. And the haircut. While this makes for an interesting photo arrangement, it sucks when you've got to buy presents for 45,000 people. This year, I'm doing things a little differently. I've got a zillion small kids to get gifts for, and I refuse to go broke doing so. You were cool! The school's Madball-ban effectively made them the most popular thing in the world for a short while, with any kid brave enough to bring one into class becoming a bona fide hero. They were so outlawed that school staff wouldn't even call them by name, instead issuing a message over the PA system for us to leave 'the monster-shaped balls' at home. Of course, being that young, this was our first experience with anything like this. Not since the 'chewing gum equals detention' fiasco had we seen our civil rights so challenged. Our mission was clear: fight the oppression. Your monkey figurine disturbs me, Mysterious Pink Box. He fills me with suspicions. What's he up to? I peg him as your right hand man - the public leader of your operation. I want to believe you are all that is good and sweet, but your monkey looks real angry. I think he's up to something, and it's something a little more devious than regular monkey things. I doubt he's picking which wall to fling feces on. I think he's planning a takeover. Why are you sending evil, glowing monkeys to invade my house, Mysterious Pink Box? I saved you from that closeout store - I saved you from the hands of a dirty six-year-old that would've buried you. You should be grateful. If ordering a killer monkey to steal my spiritual essence is your way of saying 'thanks', you've got a lot to learn about our culture.

























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AIM- airborneturtle13
(I'm really gettin tired of typing the word "airborneturtle")



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