Most of you reading this right now (yes I mean all three of you) are familiar with AOL Instant Messenger or AIM, which is the acronym AOL uses for their sevice. Actually AOL uses many more acronyms, but i'll get to that later. So for those of you who are totally oblivious to what's going on in the world around you, here's a sample of what it looks like:
The fishing trip was fine, BobbyD211...
See, that's AIM. Here are some acronyms that AIM users say so that they don't have to type out the full word:
BBL = Be Back Later
BC = Because
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way
FYI = For Your Information
G2G = Got to Go
JK = Just Kidding
IDK = I Dont Know
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
OMG = Oh My Gosh (God)
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
TMI = Too Much Information
THX = Thanks
TTYL = Talk To You Later
WB = Welcome Back
But to those who use those phrases, I'm very sorry but you have been using the wrong phrases... These are the correct meanings: (I'm not jk either...)
BBL = Baffled Belowing Lions
BC = Bathing Craniums
BRB = Belated Rhombus Bear
BTW = Bewildered, Thunderous, Walruses
FYI = Fighting Your Icebergs
G2G = Guns to Go
JK = Just Killing
IDK = I'd Die Krusty
LOL = Ludacris, Orangatang, Lollipops
OMG = Orange, Muscular, Grenades
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Lactating
TMI = Too Many Ichabods
THX = Thirsty, Hungry, Xerox
TTYL = Translucent, Ticklish, Youngblood, Lutherns
WB = Waltzing Bartholemew