My plastic container and Tupperware cabinet. Every time I open it, everything always falls out and then the door never closes. Arrgh... By the way, I couldn't find a picture of an actual cabinet but I found this one and I couldn't pass it down. Who would get excited about their mom selling goddamn Tupperware? Well actually, I wouldn't be talking. I find four year old Fig Newtons and hair removal infomercials exciting.
Frozen butter. Especially frozen butter patties handed to you at a restaurant. Is one supposed to actually spread this block? I usually end up hacking them to shreds like a piece of kindling and then sprinkling the shards of butter on the bread/biscuit/bagel I'm trying to eat.
Twist ties. Same goes for those little plastic doohickies that clip on the bread bag. I recognize that they server a higher purpose of keeping bread fresh, but you know what, you can spin the bag of bread and put it down with the end curled under the bread, and guess what: still fresh. Keeping a thousand and one twist ties around the house "just in case" you'll need them makes me nuts.
Foods that wish to be eaten, or worse, that promote cannabilism of their own kind. This is used during M&M commercials that try to get humans to eat the other kinds of M&Ms.
The extra safety cover that comes on onion dip and cream cheese. It's almost impossible to get off in one piece. Look at that picture, that cream cheese doesn't have an extra cover. Do you know why? I'll tell you why. It's because these extra covers don't just annoy me, they annoy thousand of other people worldwide. If they put them in their advertisements, it would almost be like advertising annoyance.
Those little cards that fall out of magazines: It's even more annoying when they're in magazines that you're already subscribed to because they're asking you to subscribe to them!!!
The Wild Thornberry's Movie. First of all, T.W.T is my least favorite show, it's frigging annoying and to make matters worse, they play this commercial non-stop. If I hear new music from Paul Simon one more time, I'm going to explode into a greasy bath of writing utensils and Easter Eggs...