Well, I was going to review The Smurfs Christmas Special but I was in New Jersey for the week so I didn't get a chance to. There's no computers in NJ.....
Anyway instead of doing a Christmas article, I decided to do a Halloween one...So here's my list of The Top 10 Scariest Movies!!! I know you're probably thinking it's gonna be one of those lists that will put the Exorcist, Psycho, and Scream in the top three. WELL IT AIN'T. Exorcist was alright; but it wasn't scary, Psycho was a great movie; scary, but not top 10 scary, and Scream sucked compared to the horror movies of the 80s and 70s...
So here's my list, and if you disagree, I really don't give a shit, because this is MY list...
 10.) Child's Play
Child's Play has always been one of my favorite movies. Even though it doesn't scare me alot now, it scared the shit outta me when I was younger. You see, I had one of those My Buddy dolls which I creatively named Buddy. Well Buddy looked a little like ol' Chucky so ever since I saw this movie when I was about 3, Buddy scared the hell outta me and so did this big ass Troll I had, but only at night. I could see their silouttes in the shadows, sitting at the end of my bed every night. Finally I got over my little fright when I was 14. I'm just kidding that would be really, really weird. I was 13...
9.) Halloween
The greatest slasher film ever made, Halloween changed the way the horror movies of the late 70s and 80s were made.Carpenter's direction and score created a suitably eerie atmosphere. In Halloween, the combination of the most unholy of days and babysitters in jeopardy is as good as it gets. Speaking of jeopardy, heres some pictures of Alex Trebek on Cheers!!!
   8.) The Evil Dead
I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! If I had to pick my favorite horror movie, Sam Raimi's The Evil Dead would probably be numero uno. Back then, and let's face it, even today, Raimi wasn't considered one of Hollywood's premiere directors. He wasn't granted a huge budget and endless resources to work on this film. I've heard the budget was 50,000 dollars. I've also read that it was 300,000, but even then, that's a small amount to work with. Considering that, he put together a fantastic movie with a then-undone storyline, great footage, cheesy yet admirable performances, and a whole lotta gore. The movie was actually filmed in an abandoned log cabin. Bruce Campbell (Ash-The main character) was Raimi's lifelong friend. This wasn't a huge, big budget spectacular. It was just a horror movie, and a pretty good one that lets you leave your thinking caps off. You're watching the flick to get scared and see blood. Enjoy it for that.
 7.) The Howling
This is a really screwed up movie, but for some unknown reason I thought it was scary. I have no idea why. It has a really stupid plot, it doesn't make alot of sense, but usually thats how horror movies from the 80s are. You gotta love em... I think that the scence where the main character lady is rummaging through that old house in the middle of the woods and the werewolf appears was the scariest part, but the movie lost me when all the werewolves were dancing or something (It's been awhile)
6.) Alice, Sweet Alice
I first saw this one on a local channel when I was down near Atlantic City. I was 6, all alone, in the dark.... Well, it scared the shit outta me and I'd think of that movie every time we'd pass a church. Later, I was still looking for the VHS, but I just got a DVD player, so I can finally buy that copy that's been sitting on the shelf at Suncoast for the past 6 months, laughing at me because I didn't have a DVD player... : (
5.) Friday the 13th Part 2
Friday the 13th Part 2 is defintly the scariest..................................... sequel!!!
Ohhhhhhh, I got you on that one foo'!!! HARHARHAR Actually, this movie is just about as scary as it's prequel, because it has more slasher action. This is Jason, before the hockey mask. And personlly I think that Jason's scarier this way, with the hood. Also, the style matches the first film so well alot of people get them confused. A scary sequel to a scary movie...
4.) Signs
It's very rare to find a good horror movie these days. But Signs...Signs is a great movie... I saw it in theaters up in New Hampshire in early August and I was amazed at how it was such a good horror movie. It was very realistic and actually, it reminded me of The Birds. It had that feeling to it, that feeling of no way out. I love the scence when the older brother is watching TV from that birthday party and boom! There it is! I can't wait till January 7th... DVD baby...
 3.) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
When I first saw The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it scared the shit outta me, and it still does. Being a collector of horror movies with a collection of a little over 100 of em, I'm not the type that gets frightened.The top three movies on this list don't really scare me but they sure are scary. Even the title is scary. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE... Just stare at what I typed in caps lock... Isn't it scary! Gahhhh! I love movies about cannibalistic chainsaw-wielding maniacal rednecks who love their grandpas...
 2.) Friday the 13th
Released two years after Halloween, the film followed a similar pattern but it upped the ante by showing the gore that the first film only hinted at. A true splatter film. Although the former is more renowned, this was the one that truly started the slasher craze of the early 80s. Made the same year that The Empire Strikes Back was released Friday the 13th, which was made on a budget of less than one million dollars, managed to pull in over seventeen million in receipts and was the 20th highest grossing film of 1980. I personally enjoy Friday the 13th better than Halloween and I think that it's much scarier. After watching this movie, camping in the woods will never be the same...
 1.) Just Before Dawn
Just Before Dawn is a must-see for slasher fans. This movie is surely one of the most underrated horror flicks around. One reason is because nobody's ever heard of it. Mostly only die-hard horror fans have seen it, other than that I bet only about 1 in 30,000 people have. Like Friday the 13th's chchchahahah Just Before Dawn has a whistling sound. Both are great touches to the films. Even though Just Before Dawn is a "killer in the woods" flick, it is defintly not a rip-off of Friday the 13th. They were both released the same year, so I'm not sure which came out first. If you want to own it, try ebay, but I can't promise you that you'll find it. The number 1 spot was a toss-up between this movie and Friday the 13th, I finally decided that Just Before Dawn is the scariest movie ever made. Below are some pictures from the film and a foreign poster...