40.) Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) Rated PG-13
"It is an army bred for a single purpose - to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall." "Let them come."
I enjoy The Two Towers more than it's prequel The Fellowship of the Ring. It has more action, even better special effects, awesome battle scenes, and more weird creatures like those huge elephant things. Like Fellowship, The Two Towers is very long, but still a great movie.
39.) Clerks (1994) Rated R
"Pack of cigarettes..."
Undoubtedly one of the funniest movies that I've ever seen, Clerks is the low budget first movie from writer, director, actor, editor, and producer Kevin Smith and one of his best at that. A must see for any comedy fan but the topics that are talked about are not for the kiddies, so don't show this at your seven year old daughter's birthday party for giggles unless you want a few hundred phone calls from angry parents complaing because their kid said a few "bad" words.
38.) Reservoir Dogs (1992) Rated R
"Someone's trying to stick a red-hot poker up our ass, and I'm trying to see whose name's on the handle!"
One of the best 90s crime films, Reservoir Dogs has plenty of profanity, violence, and a great plot. The cast is first-rate and the effects are very realistic. It also includes some memorable scenes such as the "ear" scene.
37.) 12 Angry Men (1957) Not Rated
"Well, I'm not used to supposin'. I'm just a workin' man. My boss does all the supposin' but I'll try one. Supposin' you talk us all out of this and, uh, the kid really did knife his father?"
One of the most popular films ever made, 12 Angry Men set the precedent for a ton of court movies which tried to be like it. I first saw this one on television a few years ago and found it quite boring, but watched it again a couple weeks ago in English class and found out that it's a really good movie. There's nothing funnier than watching a bunch of guys in a room yelling at each other.
36.) First Blood (1982) Rated R
"They drew first blood , not me....."
One of Stallone's best and also one of the greatest action movies ever made, First Blood spawned off two good sequels and another later this year or in 2004. It is rumored to be about Rambo kicking some ass over in Afghanistan because his kids got killed on 9-11-01. Buy the trilogy.
35.) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) Rated R
"My family's always been in meat."
One of my favorite horror movies ever, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is one of the scariest movies that I've ever seen. All of the sequels were pretty bad, especially The Next Generation which is horrible. A remake is coming out this October, starring Jessica Biel. I bet it'll be lousy, like most remakes, but it's worth a chance.
34.) Spaceballs (1987) Rated PG
"May the Schwarz be with you." As most of you know, I love Star Wars. So, why shouldn't I like a movie making fun of it? Spaceballs is one of Mel Brook's best. Along with Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, and his television show Get Smart, Brooks' best comedy is all about parodies and Spaceballs is one of those. I reccommend it to any comedy or sci-fi fan.
33.) Gremlins (1984) Rated PG
"Don't get him wet, keep him out of bright light, and never feed him after midnight."
Definitely a unique 'horror' movie for it's time. Movies like this generally don't do to well, but Gremlins has certainly etched it's spot in history. Definitly one of my favorite movies which I have loved for almost my entire life.
32.) Ocean's 11 (2001) Rated PG-13
"Ted Nugent called. He wants his shirt back."
One of the best remakes ever, Ocean's 11 has a terrific cast, clever plot, and is very entertaining. The original Ocean's 11 from 1960 (starring the Rat-Pack) is also good, but I enjoyed this one more.
31.) Matsers of the Universe (1987) Rated PG
"I dare anything, I am Skeletor!"
Successful as toys and on Saturday morning television, Masters of the Universe ventured into the theatres with little success. Although it didn't make much money it's still one of my favorite movies and I'd reccommend it to anybody who like a good adventure, fantasy, or sc-fi flick. |