Today I'm gonna gonna review Mac and Me (1988)!!! You must be jumping with glee!!! Like Planet of the Dinosaurs, Mac and Me was one of those movies that I used to watch all the time. Most people who have seen the film have said it was just another E.T. ripoff, but I have to disagree. I personally think it's totally different. In E.T. there was a cute little acronym in the title (E.T. stood for Extra Terrestrial) but in Mac and Me there was a cute little acronym in the title (Mac stood for Mysterious Alien Creature). In E.T., the alien loved to eat small round candies (Reese's Piece's) but in Mac and Me, the alien loved to eat small round candies (Skittles). In E.T., the alien was being chased by the government but in Mac and Me, the alien was being chased by the government. Now does Mac and Me sound like a ripoff? I didn't think so...
I'm swaying away from the whole purpose of this article again....Now, let's get to the review!!!
Mac and Me is the story of Eric, a lonely, handicapped lad who, as the film begins, is moving with his older brother (Douglas Pembroke from the original Charles In Charge) and mother to a new home. Elsewhere, Mac and his family of deformed, quite possibly retarded, space aliens are busy sucking "nourishment" out of the planet on which they live. Along comes an American sample-collecting robot, which does some sucking of its own. Mac and his entire family are "collected" and brought to Earth. Mac and his family "bust out" of the NASA facility by smashing through paper thin glass and scaring people shitless. Somehow Mac is separated from the rest before splattering against a car window and causing a 3,000 car pile up.
 Well, Mac ends up in Eric's van and he and his family drive off to their new home. Mac sneaks around causing a ruckus but a little girl who dresses like a Native American see him and tries to convince Eric that Mac is a puppy (or something like that). We even get a few seconds of Eric watching The Snorks! Well this goes on for about 7 hours until Eric accidently falls down a 5,000 ft. high cliff , but Mac rescues him. Eric and the girl (Courtney?) become friends with Mac but try to keep him a secret from his and her families. Well Mac gets sucked up, yes again, this time by a vacuum cleaner. The vacuum explodes and Eric's brother sees Mac!!!OH NO!!! Well his brother (Michael) wants to help Mac too...Now, because Eric has a little girlfriend, we need one for Mike, right? Right... Mike hooks up with Courtney's older sister Debbie. Mac suddenly gets sick for no reason and gives clues to the gang for where his lanky, retarded alien family is...
Mac shows them straws, coke, a Valvoline advertisement, and horses....sooooo, what else to do in a situation like this but dress Mac up like a teddy bear and go to MacDonald's!!! And that is what they did. At MacDonald's, is probably the most infamous scene in movie history. Well, no, but it's crazy. Everyones dancing; in the restaurant, on the counters and tables, and in the middle of the parking lot... Mac joins them until some governmental guys crash the party and chase Mac and Eric down the highway. We see some more glass brake and some wheelchair action.
 The gang hops in the van and drives into the middle of nowhere where they see windmills and immediatly think of Mac's straws from earlier. They then come face to face with a large herd of wild horses and ride along side them until reaching a cave. Guess what's in the cave... Wrong, sorry but it wasn't Bill Cosby painting a nude portrait of Don Knotts. It was Mac's family! Oweeohweoh! After smashing a car window, holding up a supermarket, and causing mass hysteria and fires in the parking lot; Mac's father saves Eric from dying and the aliens become American Citizens. The last scence shows Mac blow a bubble gum bubble bigger than their pink Cadillac (don't ask me how they got it). On the bubble in bubble letters it says nothing other than "We'll be back!" They lie... Since the movie was released in 1988, we never saw Mac, Eric, or Policeman # 2 ever again............................
MY Score : (out of a possible ten)
RAVEN-SYMONE'S Score : (out of a possible ten)