A few of you out there may know this mysterious being from his website http://www.thediabolical.cjb.net , actually only one of you does, and that person is you... Ya see, Chris Butterfield has been called many things; a legend, a fictional character, a myth, even an old wive's tale... I would have to agree. He, or should I say "it" has been sighted roaming the forests and streets of Eastern Massachusetts, but is it a hoax? Nope. Chris Butterfield is known by most unprofessional scientists a Conquistador Assembled Tyborg or a C.A.T. which was designed and then created in Ethiopia on January 1, 1988 by a former Conquistador named Lou. Lou was insane and murdered thousands with his first Tyborg which he named Walt Disney. Walt was then reprogramed by a Canadian Dentist after Lou was arreseted in the Fall of 1928. After he was released from prison in December 1987, he began creation of Operation Butterfield. Now that Lou is officially extinct we can only hope that Chris is the only Tyborg left...