60.) The Man With Two Brains (1983) Rated R
"As you know, my research has advanced to a point where I can put her mind into the body of a gorilla." "I couldn't f**k a gorilla."
In my personal opinion, The Man With Two Brains is Steve Martin's funniest film. His hilarious writing and acting ability plus Carl Reiner's great writing and direction make this one of the funniest movies ever made.
59.) Alien (1979) Rated R
"I can't lie to you about your chances, but you do have my sympathies."
Alien is one of the most influential Science-Fiction films of the late 70s and one of the scariest to boot. It also paved the way for two great sequels, Aliens and Alien 3. The fourth wasn't that great...
58.) Mallrats (1995) Rated R
"Adventure, excitement... a Jedi craves not these things."
Mallrats has everything you could ask for. Vulger comedy, Star Wars referances, and a little bit of psychic nakedness. Though not quite as good as it's predessecororaplagobistmack, Clerks; Mallrats is still a must-see for any comedy fan.
57.) Planet of the Dinosaurs a.k.a Planet of Dinosaurs (1978) Rated PG
"This isn't Nebraska!"
I know that I ragged on this movie in my first article on this site, but actually it's one of my favorite movies. Even though it has horrible acting and is pretty much a bad movie, it'll always hold a special place in my heart.
56.) Home Alone (1990) Rated PG
"He's only a kid Harry. We can take him."
Home Alone is a great comedy for children and adults and it's chock full of comic violence. The sequels were also surprisingly good.
55.) Billy Madison (1995) Rated PG-13
"NO, I will not make out with you!" Adam Sandler's debut feature Billy Madison is probably my favorite Sandler flick with The Waterboy and The Wedding Singer right behind it.
54.) Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) Rated R
"I told the others...They didn't believe me!"
I personally think that Friday the 13th Part 2 is the best horror sequel ever made. It's also much scarier than some more popular and independent films such as Rosemary's Baby, Psycho, and The Exorcist. This is the first of a whole slew of sequels on this list.
53.) Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade (1989) Rated PG-13
"So forget any ideas you've got about lost cities, exotic travel, and digging up the world. We do not follow maps to buried treasure and 'X' never, ever marks the spot."
The Last Crusade proceeds with considerably less blood, energy or danger than either Raiders of the Lost Ark or The Temple of Doom, but it's still a great movie and one of my favorite's of the genre.
52.) Madman (1981) Rated R
"Madman Marz, he's real...."
I'm not sure why but I love Madman. The storyline and the character of Madman Marz just seem more realistic than other horror killers such as Freddy Krueger, Pinhead, Jason Voorhees, and Chucky.
51.) Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1954) Not Rated
I absolutly adore the entire Godzilla series with an exception of that awful American version from 1998. If I had enough money I'd go out and buy the entire Godzilla series. But since that's financially impossible, I'll just buy them every once in a while when I have a few extra bucks laying around. Out of the entire series the first one is probably my favorite because it is the first one. Duh.