20.) Forrest Gump (1994) Rated PG-13
"My name's Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump."
Forrest Gump is a very funny movie, but it also has very serious aspects to it. The plot and acting are superbulicious. Definitely one of the best films from the 90s, plus one of most famous. Three thumbs up.
19.) The Godfather (1972) Rated R
"I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." This movie is strong, good script, great casting, excellent acting, and over the top directing. It is hard to fine a movie done this well, it is 31 years old and has aged well. Even if you don't like mafia type of movies, I bet you'll still watch the entire film, the audiences is glued to what will happen next as the film progresses. Its about, family, loyalty, greed, relationships, and real life. This is a great mix, and the artistic style make the film memorable.
18.) Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Rated PG
"Didn't any of you guys ever go to Sunday school? " Even to this day, the film still resonates with cool action sequences that were well ahead of its time. The Lucas-Speilberg collaberation is fantabulous. Definitely one of the coolest movies ever.
17.) The Story of Ricky (1991) Rated NC-17
"I was promised seven bags of rice to turn you into mince meat and put you in a pie." "You think you can do it?"
Boy did I get a kick out of this movie. One of the goriest, unintentionally funniest, goofiest movies ever made, The Story of Ricky is one of those movies you could watch over and over again. To learn more, check out my review on one of my earlier posts.
16.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) Rated PG
"New game, round-head. Cricket?" "Cricket? Nobody understands cricket! You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket!"
Wow, I have a very strange varation of movies on list. I just went from an Asian gorefest to a comical flick about teenage turtles. This movie is different than the cartoon, but that doesn't mean it was bad. I loved the Ninja Turtles as a little kid and now that I'm older, I still love it. Anyway, if you were a child and enjoyed the Turtles, check out this film, and the sequel. I wasn't a big fan of part three though.
15.) Gremlins 2: The New Batch
"Gremlins? In this theater? Now?!"
Holy shistavanian! Now THIS is a movie. If you didn't think Gremlins 2 was the absolute pinnacle of greatness, stop reading this article and get the hell off this site, because I want nothing to do with you. Gremlins 2 was absolute genius! All I'm going to say is that if you like ironic humor and gremlins dressed in suits throwing confetti, you HAVE to see this movie. Plus we get an appearance by Hulk Hogan!
14.) The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997) Rated PG-13
"I'll be back in five or six days." "No, you'll be back in five or six PIECES!" I enjoy watching this one just as much as the first. It is filled with action, more cool dinosaurs than the original, outstanding special effects, and a great plot. One of the greatest and most entertaining sequels ever made.
13.) Rocky 3 (1982) Rated PG
"Do you hate Rocky?" "No, I don't hate Balboa. I pity the fool."
Oh man. Rocky vs. Mr. T is about as good as it gets for movie action. Apollo Creed was a great opponent for Balboa in the first 2 films, but T's performance as Clubber Lang is just plain scary. In fact, the movie features T's first utterance of a phrase made famous later in his career (see quote above). The fight scenes in Rocky 3 are phenomenal, and far more exciting than most real boxing matches (of course, it's a movie, they should be). But Rocky 3 has much more going for it. You get the death of Rocky's trainer Mickey, a great performance by Burt Young, and a new theme song "Eye Of The Tiger" that manages to be more inspiring than "Gonna Fly Now". As an added treat you get Hulk Hogan as "Thunderlips: The Ultimate Male", a pro-wrestler who fights Rocky in a charity match.
12.) Halloween (1978) Rated R
"Was that the bogeyman?" "As a matter of fact... it was!"
The slow pace of the people, the calmness and quietness of the town, and then the crazed killer enters the town and begins terrorizing...simple and masterful! Countlessly imitated in the years following, none can compare to this one. Halloween is very realistic unlike a lot of other slasher flicks from the late 70s and 80s which were cheesy and unbelievable.
11.) Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002) Rated PG
"I have to admit that without the clones it would have not been a victory." "Victory! Victory you say? Master Obi-Wan, not victory. The shroud of the dark side has fallen, begun the clone war has."
Since Attack of the Clones has come out I've seen it three times in theaters and at least fifteen on video. I think that this one is much superior to The Phantom Menace. Though not as good as the original trilogy I thought that it was an awesome movie with fantastic special effects. I have a feeling Episode III will be even better.