50.) The Neverending Story (1984) Rated PG
"With Luck, my boy. With luck!"
Ever since I was a littlun' I've been a fan of this movie. I mean, c'mon. How can you not like movies that include Childlike Empress'. Seriously though, The Neverending Story is one of the best fanasty films around.
49.) Battlestar Galactica (1979) Not Rated
"Just keep it up, old buddy, you're going to get us into real trouble." "Ten thousand light years from nowhere, our planet shot to pieces, people starving, and I'm gonna get us in trouble?"
I know that all you Trekkies out there are going to slaughter me for saying this but I've always preferred the Battlestar Galactica show over Star Trek. Don't get me wrong, Star Trek had some great episodes, but for some unknown reason I just like Battlestar better. Even though I said that I like Battlestar better doesn't mean it's one of my favorite shows because it's not. I find both Star Trek and Battlestar to be quite boring at times. Battlestar Galactica: The Movie is better than any of the episodes and remains one of my favorites to this day. It was released theatrically in Canada and Europe.
48.) Sleepaway Camp (1983) Rated R
"Meet me at the waterfront, after the social...."
Sleepaway Camp has got to be one of the cheesiest early 80s slasher flicks around. It's plot is so farfetch'd and completly insane and some of the scenes are a little disturbing such as a curling iron being jammed into a girl's vagina. Notice how I said girl's vagina, because in this movie you can't be too sure what gender has what genetilia. You gotta love it...
47.) Jaws (1975) Rated PG
"The thing about a shark, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites you, and those black eyes roll over white."
It's simply one of the best monster movies of all time. I still can't swim far from shore at the beach without wondering if there's a great white nearby ready to chomp me in half. The sequels are all pretty crappy, but the 1975 film still holds up well. Robert Shaw's standout performance as Quint is a thing of beauty, and it's still the best thing Steven Spielberg has ever done.
46.) Rocky 2 (1979) Rated PG
"Yo Adrian! I did it!!"
Rocky 2 is a great movie. Not my favorite of the series but still one of the most entertaining boxing movies around. This is the one where Rocky wins the championship match against Apollo in case you forget.
Rocky 2 is very similiar to the first movie in terms of the location because Rocky doesn't win the title until the end, so he's not filthy rich yet. I recommend it.
45.) Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan (1982) Rated PG
"Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold? It is very cold in space."
I've only seen two of the Star Trek movies. Numero uno and The Wrath of Khan and I clearly enjoyed this one more. I found the original to be quite boring and slow-paced while this one had a lot more action. Plus this one comes closest to the spirit of the television series. Plus Kirtie Alley of Cheers and Pier 1 commercial fame got her start here. So it's all goooooooood.
44.) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) Rated PG-13
"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give that to them?"
I have a feeling that the Lord of the Rings Trilogy will go down in history as classics, sort of like Star Wars, but to a lesser extent. I enjoy this film very much and it was awesome in theaters, but it's a little bit too long. I have trouble just sitting still in one spot for over two hours, so I usually watch this movie in two parts. But all in all a great movie.
42.) The Breakfast Club (1985) Rated R
"Dear Mr.Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it is that we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us, in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain." "And an athlete." "And a basket case." "A princess." "And a criminal." "Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club." Of the billions of teen-based films released in the 80s, The Breakfast Club stands as one of the best. I personally like Judd Nelson's character John Bender because his life resembles mine. Nah, I'm just kidding but I did like the characters and you start to grow onto them throughout the movie.
42.) Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom (1984) Rated PG
"You're gonna get killed chasing after your damn fortune and glory!"
"Maybe. But not today."
I enjoyed this one more than The Last Crusade but less than Raiders of the Lost Ark. So it's the middle film in the trilogy and the middle film on my likeness scale. So don't worry, Raiders of the Lost Ark will make it on my list. I also enjoyed the nice action sequences in this one, as with both of the other films. Also the scene in which a beating heart is ripped from the chest of a sacrifical victim stirred controversy and prompted the MPAA to create the PG-13 rating.
41.) Willow (1988) Rated PG
"I love you Sorsha?! I don't love her, she kicked me in the face. I hate her.....don't I?"
Willow is sort of like Star Wars mixed in with The Lord of the Rings, with a little bit of the Neverending Story thrown into the mix. All-in-all, a great fantasy brought to us by George Lucas. Warwick Davis who played Willow also did Leprechaun from the Leprechaun series, Wicket the Ewok from Return of the Jedi, three minor characters in The Phantom Menace, Filius Flitwick in Harry Potter and a few more roles in some independent films.