This may sound kind of strange but, I never understood zucchini. I know all of you reading this are probably saying to yourself "What the hell is this guy talking about? Zucchini? It's a freaking vegetable, what's there to understand?". Well, I know it's a vegetable but why? It's like a squash, but it's not, it's a zucchini. Maybe the word 'zucchini' in Russian means 'Squash Wannabe'. Probably not. What's there to make with zucchini? Is there really that many people who are obsessed with the zucchininess of zucchini? Here's a picture of zucchini
Well actually it's chocolate zucchini cake but it's still zucchini. Here's a picture of zucchini pie:
It's called Chania zucchini pie. It is a speciality of Crete.
I wonder if anyone ever flew... no wait, sailed to Crete just for some special Chania zucchini pie. I doubt it. Speaking of pie, here's some zucchini pizza:
I've heard that some guy at PBS really likes this stuff. Nah, it was probably a dream, or a nightmare. Well i don't really have any more to say about zucchini, so I've included a horde of zucchini photos for your viewing pleasure.
Holy Petunias! Not only is this a picture of a zucchini, but it also has C-3PO right next to it! Could my day get any better? Yes, it probably could, but this is the highlight of it so far... |