30.) Raging Bull (1980) Rated R
"You punch like you take it up the ass."
Jake LaMotta from Raging Bull is in my opinon one of De Niro's best roles he's ever done. The film chronicles the life of the fighter from 1941 until the mid-1960s and is focused on the violent LaMotta's struggle to find peace within himself. Raging Bull is loosely based on the "real" LaMotta's autobiography.
29.) Labyrinth (1986) Rated PG
"I can bear no longer! Goblin King! Goblin King! Wherever you may be take this child of mine far away from me!"
When I was a young lad the goblins in this movie used to scare me. I don't know why but little monsters scared me more than big ones. Now I watch it and I "lol" and "rotfl" and "lis" and "los" and "lwbkt" because they're so NOT scary. Anyway I love this movie and it's one of the most entertaining movies ever made. What else can you expect from a Lucas-Henson film?
28.) Full Metal Jacket (1987) Rated R
"Are those... live rounds?" "Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket."
Quite possibly the greatest war movie ever made, Full Metal Jacket is one of the most realistic war films ever made. The funniest scene is in the beginning where the drill instructor is going ripshit on the marines. I'd hate to get into an argument with him, he's unbeatable.
27.) American Graffiti (1973) Rated PG
"Hey, you know a guy around here with a piss yellow deuce coupe, supposed to be hot stuff?" "You mean John Milner? Hey, nobody can beat him, man. He's got the fastest--" "I ain't nobody, dork. Right?" "Right." "Hey, you see this Milner, tell him I'm lookin' for him, huh? Tell him I aim to blow his ass right off the road."
American Graffiti is George Lucas's best film after The Star Wars Trilogy. It's a drama but it's also a comedy. So it's a mixed breed and they're always the best types aren't they? Yes they are. American Graffiti also inspired the television show, Happy Days.
26.) It's a Wonderful Life (1946) Not Rated
"Look, Daddy! Teacher says every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings."
Every Christmas I watch It's a Wonderful Life right after another movie which you will come face to face with later on this list. The funny thing is, is that last Christmas Eve when I was watching it, right at the final scene I looked outside and it started to snow. All-in-all it's a Christmas classic and shouldn't be missed.
25.) The Land Before Time (1988) Rated G
"Don't step on a crack, or you'll fall and break your back!"
The Land Before Time is the greatest animated film ever made. I've loved this movie since it came out when I was about one. Because after all, it is about dinosaurs. I used to obsessed with dinosaurs but I'm going off on a memory rampage which should've been discussed in the Memory article. Oh wait, It was! Getting back to The Land Before Time, I have one last thing to say. It's a George Lucas film so you gotta love it.
24.) The Magnificent Seven (1960) Rated R
"Ah, that was the greatest shot I've ever seen." "The worst! I was aiming at the horse."
I've never been a huge fan of westerns, but I love The Magnificent Seven. It's simply the coolest western I've ever seen. I also love the musical score. Plus the guys (and Carla) watched it all the time on Cheers. That's actually the reason why I watched it to begin with.
23.) Tommy Boy (1995) Rated PG-13
"Does this suit make me look fat?" "No, your face does."
Tommy Boy is one of the funniest movies ever made. Definitly Chris Farley's best, with Beverly Hills Ninja and Black Sheep right behind it. I think that Farley and David Spade work terrific together. I just don't see how anyone can't like this movie. A must-see for anybody who enjoys comedys.
22.) Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) Rated PG
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have revenge."
As all of you should know I LOVE Star Wars. I swear, nobody likes Star Wars more than me. The Phantom Menace is my least favorite of the series thus far, but it's still Star Wars and it's still an awesome movie.
21.) King Kong (1933) Not Rated
"Don't be alarmed, ladies and gentlemen. Those chains are made of chrome steel."
King Kong is a uniquely cool fim, that almost 70 years later (damn, hard to believe this is that old) is STILL the best single monster movie ever made. Attempts to remake the film in various forms have failed miserably through all those years. As an aside, can you believe that Kong's leading lady, Fay Wray is STILL ALIVE? Yep, this September 13, she'll turn...get this...98! |